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In memory of our friend and colleague, Anthony Harney.

In Loving Memory of a cherished member of our Russborough family.

It is with heavy hearts that we announce the death of Anthony Harney, a deeply valued member of the Russborough team for 48 years.

Anthony dedicated his life to the beauty and upkeep of Russborough’s gardens, ensuring they remained a source of joy and tranquillity for all who visited. Anthony's passion for gardening, his depth of knowledge, unwavering commitment, and warm smile, made him a beloved figure amongst staff and visitors alike.

As we remember Anthony, we reflect on a legacy that will continue in every corner of the Russborough parklands. His spirit will forever be a part of Russborough, remembered in the rustling leaves, the landscape he lovingly cared for, and his vibrant planting. Anthony will be greatly missed by everyone.

Our thoughts are with Anthony's family during this difficult time. To Marian, Joelle, Stephanie, and Marianne we extend our deepest sympathy.

May he Rest in Peace.

As a mark of respect the House will close on Monday 8th April.

Parkland gates and amenities will remain open.
